Путь к разблокировке аккаунта, заблокированного по Related (Релейтед) на Amazon
За что пришел бан нам — не ясно.
«We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site. As a result, you may no longer sell on Amazon.com«
13 числа получил такое сообщение, до этого 12 Ноября забанили Канаду и Мексику. Через appeal попытался узнать, в чем именно проблема, на что получил ответ: «Этих данных недостаточно». После изучения темы в интернете я сформировал appeal.
В первом указал все что мог о себе и своем бизнесе — адрес, телефон, банковские счета и utility. Через пару дней общался с сапортом и мне подсказали указать в appeal те данные, которые могут меня связывать с другими продавцами.
Во втором appeal я указал все возможные пути связи с другими людьми, а если конкретно:
1. Преп центр
2. Contact person
3. Адреса поставщиков
4. Банковский аккаунт в Currencies Direct
5. Сервис feedback genius
6. Шаблон ответов покупателям от Sales Hub
Теперь жду ответа на эти Appeals.
Кроме того, по телефону узнал, что мой аккаунт был связан с другим, начинающимся на PRI. Либо емейл, либо storefront name. Вы можете узнать эту информацию именно у поддержки, скринов для этого покупать не нужно.
Лучший способ связи с сапортом по телефону это: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/cu/contact-us/cmn/SAFETY
Когда общаетесь с сапортом, рекомендую придерживаться позициии: «What can I do now to activate my account?». То есть спрашиваем что сделать и делаем это. Иногда на русские номера не дозвониться. Поможет сервис Zadarma https://zadarma.com/ru/?ref=46ef69a26879848862e704b7eac4bb34
Update 2 декабря
Произошел странный телефонный разговор с сапортом: сапортер 27 минут включал мне музыку и просил подождать, пока он работает. После чего связался со мной и сказал «Appriciate your patience ……. have great news for you, please wait up to 48 hours to receive notification».В конце концов, я думаю что это приведет к активации. Ждем новостей.
Update 8 декабря
Аккаунт в США был разблокирован!
Итак, что я могу посоветовать людям, попавшим в ту же ситуацию:
1. Отнестись к этому как к работе, которую нужно совершить по пунктам
2. Написать хороший Appeal
3. Просить колбеки у сапорта каждый день и ждать, когда попадется человек, который реально понимает в чем дело.
Шаблоны для Appeal
Редактируйте этот appeal настолько, насколько сможете. Копирование appeal из интернета — плохая идея, ибо вас посчитают связанным с другими аккаунтами.
Appeal #1
В нем мы объясняем что я есть я. Сейчас считаю, что делать его таким большим — не имеет смысла. Лучше сократить и совместить со вторым.
Hello, Amazon support team!
Here I will do my best to show all the information about my business and my account for you. Hope it will help you to understand that I don’t have any related accounts which were blocked.
To verify my person and address, please check my international passport and utility bills.
In May I submitted an application to register a trademark in USPTO. My application was assigned serial number ‘88930777’. Check a PDF with my application. You can contact my attorney William Goldman by email trademarks@branding-law.com
or by phone 202-880-9200.
Or you can check my trademark status there https://tsdr.uspto.gov
Our main web page now is https://warzonestudio.com
2 years before it was warzone40k.com.
I attach a screenshot (domain names Kirill Sobolev.jpg) with domain names I have. You can contact R01.ru by email
to check this fact.
I also have a registered business in Russia. I am Sole Proprietor in Russia. I attach my registration certificate (sorry, it is only in Russian). I also attach my Sole Proprietor bank account details. Russian language, they can not give me the same details in English.
Though, I have details of my personal bank account in English. Pay attention, that registered address is XXX. It is my very old address.
But really I live in XXX for a long time. I moved to big city (Tver) near my native town.
I have rather big communities in social media:
Instagram (more than 27000 followers) https://www.instagram.com/warzone_studio/
Facebook (more than 10000 followers) https://www.facebook.com/WarzoneStudioCom/
And a Russian social (near 5000 followers) It is the oldest page , because It was created in 2012. All other pages were created later.
We have a good seller account in Ebay: https://www.ebay.com/str/warzonestudiowargamingterrain
And on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WarzoneStudio
Our English-speaking partners are:
Manufacturer: XXX
I attach the invoice from them. It is for the last bunch of items which are now in Amazon FBA warehouse. And here are my payments from Payoneer. Payment is slightly bigger than invoice because of fees.
you can contact them
We work with them since 2017 year.
Also, we work with PartnerTrade. They are forwarders, they ship our cargo from China to USA.
You can call them and check. Their warehouse is in:
I attach a screenshot of Payoneer payment for our last shipment.
Our Russian suppliers are:
I add invoice from them. All info is completely in Russian, sorry. Though, you can find my name in Russian document:
Sobolev = Соболев
Kirill = Кирилл
We use Zoho Inventory as core CRM for work. We collect all our data there.
I attach a screenshot with our account details and some last sales orders. You can see orders from Amazon too.
Also we use Feedback Genius by https://www.sellerlabs.com. It helps to ask people about their purchase. This service is added as a user in our Amazon account. Note this moment. Maybe all sellers, who use Feedback Genius were blocked because they are «related»?
I attach a photo of box with my item. You can see utility bill near it. I just made this photo. I can not upload it here (10mb limit), but I can give you a link to cloud storage: https://yadi.sk/i/qhv_i7J5xz5DiQ
I also have a book and I sell it on amazon.
Link for book photo is https://yadi.sk/i/FH-eRzi2-F_0Bw
I also have a https://affiliate-program.amazon.com account. I use it to create link for my book. Because it can create 1 link for all Amazons (US, UK, FR and so on).
I have a buyer account but I don’t use it very much. Shipping is costly to Russia.
I started to produce gaming mats in 2012 when I was a student. It was more hobby than real business. After a couple of years I understood that this product may be interesting on Ebay. So, I created a shop. It worked! I created my own site because I thought it will be a good idea.
Then I started shop on Etsy. I had good sales, so I decided to work all day long to improve Warzone Studio.
Finally a I started to work on Amazon. I watched all the lessons on http://saleshub.pro to learn how amazon works. Their video-school helped me a lot.
Sales on Amazon are much more than on Ebay or Etsy, so I have big plans on future.
As I know, there are no 3rd party sellers who sell our product on Amazon.
We have never been banned from Amazon.
I don’t have any additional accounts on Amazon. I only have my gaming mats and my book.
I don’t need to sell something more now. I am too busy.
Please, check the attachments I added. Check my account again. Christmas is close to us. And my account is blocked. It is sad.
Again, I should declare that I don’t have any extra accounts which were blocked. My gaming mats and my book are my only businesses.
Will wait for my account to be active. Thanks for your time.
Appeal #2
Здесь показываем, какие данные могли ошибочно привести нас к связи с другим аккаунтом.
Hello again!
I had a phone conversation with safety support.
I was asked to give you all information that may help to find a relation with another seller account which names starts with «XXX».
I do not own this account, I do not know who owns it.
Let’s start:
1. Address «ship from»
Our shipping partner is «XXX». They ship our items from China to USA and keep for some time on their warehouse. When we create shipments in «Manage FBA shipments» we enter their address as «ship from».
Their address is:
It is a public address. A lot of people use it, I just pay to use this warehouse.
Also, their address were:
Also, for one very old shipment we used «ship from» address of our supplier:
Many people can use it. They produce different types of mats. I added invoice from them.
2. Contact Person (name, email, phone)
When I order a pick up service (Amazon Partnered Carrier) I enter a name, email and phone of their contact person:
Name: XXX
Phone: + XXX
He is an employee of XXX. A lot of people enter this contact person. He is the one who works in warehouse.
There was another contact person who worked with my shipments some time before:
Name: XXX
Phone: XXX
Mail: XXX
I add an invoice for last shipping service. It is partly in Russian, but I hope it will not be a problem. I can ask them to make an English version of invoice.
So, in sum: we pay them and they work with our shipments. I am not «related» with their address and their contact person. I just pay for their service.
3. Users
Name: Seller Labs
Email: XXX
It is not a real user. It is a user which we created to use services of Seller Labs ( www.sellerlabs.com ). They asked us for it. We use their service of «automatic responses». To write buyers after they make a purchase.
We also have their 3rd party app connected to our account in «Third party developer and apps».
I add a receipt for their services. You can find our brand name Warzone Studio in it.
In sum: this user may be added to many accounts. It is just a service.
4. Default shipping address
Now we work FBM too. And we ship some items from China. Our shipping address for FBM orders is:
This is an address of our shipping agent’s warehouse in China. Thousands of people may use it. Our account is not related to anyone who uses this shipping agent. We just use the same shipping agent.
Their site is XXX
I added a PNG image of invoice. It was paid by my Chinese employee Pan Yuebo.
I made a text recognition to make DOC file from this PNG. I also used google translator to translate this invoice to help you to understand it. Doc files are added too.
5. Deposit Methods
I use financial service of Currencies Direct ( https://www.currenciesdirect.com/en )
Maybe they have the same bank details for all customers only with different Reference #.
My details are:
I added letter and account details PDF.
6. Business address and other addresses:
We have some suggested addresses in our «Business Address»
This one is address of XXX which can be used for customers returns:
These ones are addresses of our customers:
Sometimes I check if amazon can deliver our items to an exact buyer (and to see shipping cost) and I enter their addresses as «deliver to». For some reason Amazon suggests me to add this address as mine.
7. Template for messages
We use this template for auto-responses:
Hello Customer, We noticed that your mat was delivered. Is it right? If yes: We Need Your HELP!
Do you think we’ve done a good job? I’d appreciate it if you could write a review by clicking the link. (http://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B07VSRTNPL)
We’re a small business. It is Amazon, without your reviews we can’t exist.
If you’re not satisfied — let us make it right! Contact me by clicking here.
I learned how to sell on Amazon with a help of SalesHub. This template was given to all students.
Here is their site http://saleshub.pro
Hope my information will help you to recognise that some other account is just using the same services as me. And I hope it will lead to unblock of my account. Customers are waiting to order our gaming mats from Amazon. Our product is unique, I run this business since 2012.
I do not have any other seller accounts. My wife doesn’t have it. My employees do not have it.
Many thanks for your patience and help during our long phone conversation! Have a good day.
Итак, я рассказал свой путь снятия блокировки аккаунта. Я общался с американским продавцом на Amazon с крупным стоматологическим бизнесом, по его мнению снять такой бан это большая удача.
Скажу сразу, что мой бан был изначально ошибочным. Я никак не утверждаю, что можно снять бан с аккаунта, действительно связанного с аккаунтом-нарушителем. Возможно, это получится, если достаточно доказать, что вы самостоятельный бизнес.
Я на 100% уверен, что реально белый аккаунт так можно оживить.
Удачи вам!